The article is focused on the changes that are currently under way in the EU member states with the aim of ensuring a long time ago set objective: liberalization of the postal services as a means for increasing efficiency of this sector. First, we discuss on the specificities that make this sector so important for a national economy. Then we discuss the arguments in favor of the so long waited for liberalization as well as on the steps taken by the European authorities towards the opening of this market. The last part is dedicated to the postal state monopoly in Romania in its way towards privatization..., discussing the main issues that render the inefficient. Both theory and empirical evidence from recent events suggest that instead of using restructuring in order for privatization to be completed, the path towards market opening should be first privatization and then restructuring, which would naturally follow the private interest in rending the company competitive. We also discuss on the different methods proposed to the member states for the financing of the general service obligation once privatisation is achieved. Although all of them have advantages and disadvantages, it appears that subsidization would be the simpliest but the least efficient financing method, not very different from the legal monopoly situation whereas different states have different goals when favoring one of the remaining three options: taxation, compensation funds or „pay-or-play" scheme. A tradeoff springs from the two opposite goals: ensuring universal service obligation simplicity versus building incentives for innovation and furthering competitiveness.