On the „benefits” of the minimum wage!


salariul minim

The minimum wage is a frequent topic of political debate. During the collective bargaining, the policymakers and unions are acting together to raise the level of the minimum wage. Moreover, its advocates view this policy as a proper way to increase the income of the poorest population. They correctly point out that workers who earn this minimum wage can only afford a meager standard of living. From their view, this initiative is praiseworthy. Also taking into account the effects of the minimum wage, this article emphasizes that price control can not be a way to reduce poverty.


Bibliography, selected works:

Bastiat, Frederic, That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen, www.bastiat.org
Friedman, Milton şi Rose, Liber să alegi: un punct de vedere, Editura ALL, Bucureşti, 1998
Hazlitt, Henry, Lecţia de economie, Business Tech International Press SRL, Bucureşti, 1994
Kibbe, Matthew, The Minimum Wage: Washington's Perennial Myth, Policy Analysis, no. 106, May, 1988
Marinescu, Cosmin, Educaţia: perspectivă economică, Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 2001
Rothbard, Murray, Man, Economy, and State, with Power and Market,
Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, http://www.mises.org/rothbard/mespm.PDF
Staicu, Gabriel, Integrarea pe piaţa muncii, Raporturi de Muncă, nr. 8, august 2003
Stigler, George, The Economics of Minimum Wage Legislation, The American Economic Review, vol. 36, no.3, 1946
Williams, Walter, The State against Blacks, New York Press, McGrawHill, 1982



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